By accepting the terms and conditions,
you also accept the receipt of emails on the status of your orders, promotional emails on offers and discount codes of our ecommerce.


The following General Conditions of Sale have as their object the purchase of digital products and services carried out remotely on the privately owned boostyourvideo.com site and in concession to BeNow s.c.p.a., a cooperative company based in Brescia, Viale Italia , 26 – 25126. Any purchase operation will be regulated as envisaged and established by the current legislation on the subject including Legislative Decree 70/2003 which implemented the Community Directive 200/31 / EC on e-commerce.
The entire site, including information, articles, tools and services is managed by boostyourvideo.com, therefore the terms “our”, “us” and “we” refer to boostyourvideo.com
By accessing and visiting our website (including without limitation suppliers, web users, customers and merchants), the user agrees to have read and understood the Terms and Conditions described and therefore to be bound by them.
Any new features, services or items added to the site will be subject to the following Terms.
boostyourvideo.com reserves the right to modify, replace or simply update any part of the following agreement called “Terms”.
It is the user’s responsibility to keep up to date on any changes made.
The headings / headings of paragraphs used in this agreement will not limit or otherwise affect the following Terms.


By accepting these Terms, the user declares to have reached at least the age of majority in his state or province of residence, or to have reached it to allow any minor employee to use this site.
It is forbidden to use our products / services for illegal or unauthorized purposes or to violate any law in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
It is not permitted to use this website and / or receive services if this is prohibited in your country or by any law or regulation applicable to you and in your case.
If this condition is not respected, boostyourvideo.com and BeNow s.c.p.a. are relieved of any responsibility.
Any single violation of the Terms will result in the immediate termination of the Services.

Service, Supply and General Conditions

boostyourvideo.com offers the possibility to increase interactions and visibility on the main Music Portals and Social Networks and reserves the right to refuse the provision of the service to anyone for any reason and at any time.
The data and content provided by the user (excluding credit card information) can be transferred in clear text and involve transmission over various networks or any changes to adapt to the technical requirements of the networks or connecting devices.
To use the service, the user must provide at his own risk all the data necessary or considered necessary and mandatory by the site to achieve the content / profile he wants to promote / advertise.
boostyourvideo.com is not responsible if the information entered is incomplete, incorrect or out of date.
The service cannot be performed if the content / profile is private or in any case not publicly reachable.
In the event that the user still purchases the service without satisfying these conditions, it will be at the discretion of the site staff to decide whether to contact the customer to report any shortcomings or anomalies.
It remains certain that the service cannot be refunded, as it is the user’s full responsibility to verify the correctness of the data entered and to meet these minimum conditions for delivery.
The user accepts that your information entered can be used to send promotions, coupons and information on partner sites that may be interested.
It is also specified that each product purchased refers to a single content, if the user decides to enter information related to multiple contents, boostyourvideo.com has the right to choose which content to promote or contact the customer for clarification, if the user, on the other hand, in the same order will proceed with the purchase of several separate products, in this case more contents can be entered.
After making the payment, the order will be processed within 24-48 hours, barring unforeseen circumstances, by independently delivering or requesting the product to a third party supplier for delivery of the same.
The provision of the service will begin after the aforementioned processing times and could be divided into several days based on the amount of services purchased or the “size” of the individual service.
After processing, the service can neither be modified nor canceled as it is potentially offered by third party suppliers.
boostyourvideo.com will not be responsible or refund for the suspension of promoted accounts / profiles or for the removal of any type of advertised / promoted content.
Removal of content can take place at any time. Buying growth such as boostyourvideo.com and other providers’ services goes against the terms of service of all third-party platforms.
It cannot be guaranteed that all the subjects from which interactions will come will have profile photos, personal information and content uploaded to their profile, nor that they can remain interested for life in a promoted content or that they will interact with content excluded from the promotion.
boostyourvideo.com does not currently offer subscription services. By purchasing any service on our site, you are in no way subscribing to a recurring charge.
Each user is aware that most of the services are against the policy of Social Networks and Music Portals.
Product prices may change even without notice based on the needs of the site or promotions, this change does not give the user the right to request refunds or cancellations of services already in progress.
boostyourvideo.com reserves the right to modify, suspend, even partially interrupt the services, including accessibility to content. Access or service restrictions may also be introduced, in whole or in part, without notice and without assuming responsibility for this service.

Refund Policies

All products and services are sold “as is”. The user assumes responsibility for the purchase and no refunds will be issued.
No refunds will be made to Stripe or PayPal or other payment gateways either.
After having successfully ordered and paid for the service, it will be the customer’s responsibility to contact the site in the manner described below to request information or have assistance.
No refunds will be made on orders being processed, executed or delivered.
If a dispute or charge is made against the site after a completed payment, we reserve the right to terminate all running services and reject any future new reports.
Fraudulent and illegal actions such as the use of stolen credit cards will lead to the termination of the relationship without exception.
The user can at any time request information by email at the address: [email protected]
Any inability on our part to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms does not imply a waiver of this right or provision. Any ambiguity in the interpretation of these Terms of Service should not be interpreted against the editorial part.
Therefore, it is reiterated that following the purchase of the chosen item, the user undertakes to be responsible for reading the characteristics of the product / service before committing to the purchase, the user undertakes to enter into a legally binding contract for the purchase of a product / service with payment that proceeds to check-out and which normally does not provide for a refund
Contracts governed by these General Conditions are governed by Italian law. For any dispute arising from the execution of the contracts governed by these General Conditions, the Italian court decided by the administrator of boostyourvideo.com will be competent and communicated in advance at the appropriate time.